DCalhas / eeg_to_fmri

EEG to fMRI Synthesis - on a new EEG view
MIT License
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Hyperparameter Optimization Setup #5

Closed DCalhas closed 5 years ago

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Use Bayesian Optimization Algorithm.

Parameters to have into account:

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Try to implement this framework: https://github.com/kirthevasank/nasbot

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Conflicts with fortran compiler, maybe implement this ourselves

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

For now hyperparameters in consideration:

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

https://openreview.net/pdf?id=HkSm8t1PM http://papers.nips.cc/paper/7472-neural-architecture-search-with-bayesian-optimisation-and-optimal-transport.pdf https://github.com/TAMU-VITA/AutoGAN https://github.com/linnanwang/AlphaX-NASBench101

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Make kernel sizes of convolutions mutable

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Normalize Bold Inputs

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Integrate actual optimization of each architecture

DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Something is wrong with the decoder network, for some reason it freezes when processing inputs

DCalhas commented 5 years ago



DCalhas commented 5 years ago

Check what is happening with memory usage: apparently using all the memory available in the GPU server. Reasons: