DCowboy / Star-Game

This is a project I am working on to get past the confidence cliff
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
7 stars 3 forks source link

Request for Graphics #31

Open DCowboy opened 8 years ago

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

Since I am apparently a horrible artist if starting from scratch because I suck with color and shadow concepts, I would be most appreciative for any art that would fit the current style.

I currently would like help with pickups/drops. Since I'm still not sure how to handle upgrades, or weapons changes yet, I have left them out of the document for now. However the document can be found on the front page as design_concepts.odt, (yes, this whole game is intended to be open, so even this stuff will use completely open formats.) I would have put it here as well, but github doesn't accept drag and drop for .odt currently. Therefore, for further information on how these would have to work with the 3 proposed races graphically, you would have to look there, as this issue is intended to be only about pickups.

I plan to animate these, if possible, so they'll ultimately be made in gimp using layers to set things up as I need them and will be posted here as .xcf files. Also, any graphics donated, I would request that they be licensed as CC0 or CC-by, or CC-by-SA to fit with my open intentions of this project.

I'll paraphrase the document on pickups here and add image parts if I can to illustrate what I have been thinking about, and might finish those parts of.

Now that all the preamble is out of the way.


  1. energy
    • quick refill x or % (immediate)
      • have part of a graphic that I intend to see about animating, but not sure what kind of “container” to put it in.
      • ball-lightning
    • refill x or % to hold (use when needed)
      • have part of a graphic that I intend to see about animating, but not sure what kind of “container” to put it in.
      • electric-snare
    • regeneration (immediate, timed)
      • have part of a graphic that I intend to see about animating, but not sure what kind of “container” to put it in.
      • electron
  2. health
    • quick refill % (immediate)
      • not sure what kind of graphic to use that would fit with theme was thinking something like a couple “space-y” tools crossed?)
    • refill % to hold (use when needed)
      • not sure at all of what kind of graphic to use that would fit with theme; would want it recognizably different from the above graphic
    • Regeneration (immediate, timed)
      • was thinking a kind of mini-robot helper to give the idea of it being continually repaired for that time.
  3. Offensive Power
    • +% (timed, maybe stackable)
      • not sure at all what kind of graphic to have for it.
    • ? (one idea I had was to have a floating “option” type that fired in the same direction as its parent)
      • not sure at all how to represent this if I chose to use it.
    • ? (one idea would be a different floating “option” type that fired directly at the mouse coordinates)
      • no clue whether using this, much less how to represent it.
DCowboy commented 8 years ago

It was suggested that I post a screenshot to inform, or remind those who don't know, a view of how things look to help things match. here it is:


YeOldeDM commented 8 years ago

I said I would mock up some quick concepts. Well, this one got away from me and I ended up with this Classic, recognizable, 'red cross' health pack: big_health1

Here is a blown-up version against black so it's a bit more visible: big_health1_show

I will play some more with things and post results as I get them. Let me know what you think of this.

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

I tried mentioning this in chat YeOldeDM, but you didn't respond, so I don't know if you saw the comment. I do like it, which makes me torn. It's a great design and better than anything I would come up with.

However, I was thinking that since the health status was the condition of the ship more than the pilot, (at this time, might add a sub-bar the more I think about it.) So, I was thinking the focus should be on repair than actual health.

That said, I do like this and think it's good as universal as well. Thus, making me torn, not being sure whether repair or universal, might fit better in the scheme of things.

YeOldeDM commented 8 years ago

Here is a variation with a wrench motif. At least I hope it reads as a wrench ;) (wrenches are surprisingly hard to draw as icons!) big_health2_show

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

It looks like a wrench to me! I like that! Looking at it, it could even be made more lively by making the wrench and what looks like side lights, 'blink'

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

Updated https://github.com/DCowboy/Star-Game/blob/master/design_concepts.odt with additions, improved descriptions and better readability if that helps.

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

After I make things functional, how easy would it be for someone to recolor this so it looked better in 3 stages(colors)? repair_bot_v1

DCowboy commented 8 years ago

one that I can put a bubble around V2 - would this even be able to be colored better? this version I plan to give the version without the bubble small thrusters in a way I AM good at, what do you think? repair_bot_v2

YeOldeDM commented 8 years ago

Robot space turtles! Awesome.

What if the wrench had a stripe of light that would marquee across its surface? I can rip your graphic and do that as an animated spritesheet in piskell. It shouldn't take more than about 6 frames to give a 'smooth' result.

Random idea: perhaps the 'eyes' are navigation beacons? Have them blink green/red alternately for port/starboard. It would serve no purpose really, but might look cool.

YeOldeDM commented 8 years ago

turtlesheet I could not resist putting the legs back on the turtle ;) but I tried to make them look like spaceship parts. turtleship_gifd