DD-DeCaF / upload-legacy

uploading data to dd-decaf
Apache License 2.0
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As a user I want more flexibility in using units for describing concentrations etc. #9

Open phantomas1234 opened 7 years ago

phantomas1234 commented 7 years ago

From D9.1: Media files upload: data restrictions that slow down upload of media files are the requirements of the correct chebi name for each component and for concentrations to be submitted in g/L. In addition, some chebi names have not been added to the platform. This has been solved on a case-by-case basis by the DTU team. ... Since the system already has the chebi name of the compound and thereby the molecular formula, it would be nice if it could be more flexible in accepting several different concentration units (mM, M, g/L, mg/L...), which it can then convert to g/L.