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binomial probability distribution of words in a paper #4

Open uxvictor opened 2 years ago

uxvictor commented 2 years ago

I found this internet reference that explain pretty well binomial probability distribution: https://openstax.org/books/introductory-statistics/pages/4-3-binomial-distribution

I believe the binomial probability distribution of a specific word in a paper is the number of times that word is found in the paper over the number of total words. For my omics paper MiniProject my answer for the extra credit was this:

Yes, for example the word data. In omics 2019, the word data has p = N(data)/N(all words) = 138/6221 = 0.022. In omics 2020, the word data has p = N(data)/N(all words) = 115/5177 = 0.022. In metabolomics 2020, the word data has p = N(data)/N(all words) = 32/2755 = 0.012. Author Misra has the same binomial probability distribution for the word data and author Olivier has a binomial probability distribution for the word data of half that of author Misra.