DD2XAlpha / PC_FBIServer

Make your PC a server for cia installation over the WI-FI
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Strange formatting, I can't fully read it. #13

Open JustARandomFrozenPotato opened 5 months ago

JustARandomFrozenPotato commented 5 months ago

So I just installed this thing, and the right side of the window is cut off, so I can't even see what I'm doing..




I mean, the computer is pretty old, so the screen resolution isn't great.. is the screen just registered as being too small or something? I admit I know close to nothing about coding, but I can't see half the buttons this is unusable :(

DD2XAlpha commented 5 months ago

Hello, that is kind of an odd behaviour. I'd suggest that you download an older version, as maybe the Material Skin design isn't properly working on your monitor.

What is the resolution of your monitor?

JustARandomFrozenPotato commented 5 months ago

Uh.. this


JustARandomFrozenPotato commented 5 months ago

The recommended/current resolution is the highest setting btw

JustARandomFrozenPotato commented 5 months ago

Update: Okay I don't know what I did but it "fixed"


Problem however, now it's really small and I can't easily read it without eyestrain...