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Domain Storytelling #6

Open mamuz opened 7 years ago

mamuz commented 7 years ago

Domain Storytelling

With Domain Storytelling you can employ the same principle when learning a new domain language. Let domain experts tell their domain stories. While listening, you record the domain stories using a pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately if you understand their story correctly. After very few stories, you are able to talk about the people, tasks, tools, work items, and events in that domain.


I have no experience with this approach and sharing the pros, pitfalls, drawbacks, dos and donts would be cool.

First time I heard about this interesting DDD tool at a conference provided by Workplace Solutions last year. Maybe i can ask someone from Workplace Solutions to give a talk for it.

What do you think?

Partyschaum commented 7 years ago

I think it sounds quite interesting.

If we want to hear something about this technique we need to find someone with at least a little bit experience with this.

An alternative would be to "read in" a little bit on this technique and present the core idea of it. On top of that one could gather above mentioned pros, pitfalls, drawbacks, dos and donts and start a discussion on that.

What about @mamuz? Do you want to do a small presentation about the core ideas of Domain Storytelling or maybe know someone who does?

mamuz commented 7 years ago

Hi @Partyschaum as i said i have no experience with that. But i will ask somebody who has.

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I am the guy behind domainstorytelling.org. For quite a while, I have been thinking about introducing the DDD community to Domain Storytelling. Thanks for providing the opportunity! Usually, I introduce Domain Storytelling by just doing it. So I would start with a 15min workshop. You guys (and gals) are the domain experts and I record your domain story. Afterwards I explain the ideas behind it and show some real-world examples. And of course we should discuss how Domain Storytelling helps with strategic design. Would that be interesting for you? Please comment if what else I should cover.

mamuz commented 7 years ago

Hi @hofstef,

I'm the guy who contacted you. Thanks for providing your knowledge. Your suggestion sounds really nice and I think this would be great enrichment for the community.

@virgiliolino is the organizer of the DDD Meetup group, see https://www.meetup.com/DDD-HH-Domain-driven-Design-Hamburg/

I think he will contact you to plan this for the next meetup.