DDD-Hamburg / participate

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Suggestion meetup June #8

Open virgiliolino opened 7 years ago

virgiliolino commented 7 years ago

Discussing the meetup of may it looks like there could be two interesting suggestions for June.



please let me know and looking for a place

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Hi, my offer to talk about Domain Storytelling (#6) still stands. Also, my employer has offered to host the meetup at Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 29 We have capacity for 15-20 people.

Partyschaum commented 7 years ago

Hi @hofstef,

sorry for the long break and thanks for this offer! 🚀

Since my wife is in the last weeks of her pregnancy it's hard for me to plan for the next few weeks so here's my suggestion to have the DDD Usergroup up and running again:

Give us a date and a small abstract about the talk along with proper instructions about when, were and how many people have to show up.

You can also attach a fancy logo of your employer here. I will add it to the list of our location sponsors then.

I will then post everything it on the Meetup page. 🎉

domenicolino commented 7 years ago

But Ulrich was taking care of organizing the meetup. Perhaps he can help @hofstef. Contact Ulrich in the meetup please, he will help you. https://www.meetup.com/DDD-HH-Domain-driven-Design-Hamburg/members/75480292/

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

You can also contact me here. :)

However, since it looks like @partyschaum has already started organizing the next meetup, it would not make sense for me to butt in. Virgilio asked me to take over for him (at least temporarily), but he might not have realized that Hauke is still active here.

Partyschaum commented 7 years ago

So to clarify this: Lino, whose different identities (?) (@virgiliolino, @virginno, @domenicolino) is hard to keep track on, especially when trying to have conversations on GH, asked me to take care of "organising the organising".

Ok, so @hofstef still offers a talk about Domain Storytelling and also provides a small location (~20 ppl) to host this. 👍

@ulrichsg is willing to help with organisation and could also maybe provide a (bigger) location at FinanzCheck. 👍

Also Lino has just given @ulrichsg the status of co-organizer in the Meetup group. 🎉

So, it would be awesome if @hofstef gave @ulrichsg the needed infos and assets to let him announce the next meeting on Meetup.

virgiliolino commented 7 years ago

Hi "Partyschaum", @virgiinno is the account I used when working at projects at Innogames.

whatever, what is important, is to have a next meetup, as I can't ensure in that period my engagement at 100%

Organize means just: -having at least one guy that says "yes I will be in contact with the location responsible to be sure that there will be food, snack, computers and everything needed to make comfortable the people that will attend after a long day of work" -being in contact with the one or two guys willing to talk about some wonderful topics.

We have the location, we have one or two talks. Lets make it happen. @Partyschaum and @ulrichsg, there is not one organizer. Everyone potentially in this page could help, lets just try to reach an agreement. thanks

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Hi @ulrichsg, I will write everything up and post it here. And good look to @Partyschaum :-)

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Since June is almost over, how about moving the next meetup to July (after the G20 summit)? At WPS, we could host the meetup on July 11./13./17./20. We have space for 15 to 20 DDD enthusiasts.

Here is an abstract for my talk (45min, suggestions are welcome): When we want to apply DDD, we must first master the domain. We have to identify bounded contexts and work out their ubiquitous languages. As we learn more about a domain and refine our languages, we will redraw the boarders of our bounded contexts. In a short workshop, I will show you how we can build up domain knowledge with Domain Storytelling: We let domain experts tell us stories about their tasks. While listening, we record the stories using a pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately if we understand their story correctly. After very few stories, we are able to talk about the people, tasks, tools, work items, and events in that domain. Domain Stories help us to better understand a domain, to identify what is core, to segregate bounded contexts, and to constitute ubiquitous language.

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a great talk. I'm already excited to hear it :)

I'm not sure if 15-20 seats will be enough, though. In my recollection we have already had more than 20 attendants in the past, and membership to the meetup group has grown quite a bit recently. What do you think, @Partyschaum?

Partyschaum commented 7 years ago

I think this sounds like an very promising and interesting talk. 🚀

And I think @ulrichsg is right. Right know we've been more than ~30 people for the last meetings. What's with a sponsored location at FinanzCheck?

Jimdo would eventually be possible also but I've to ask some of my colleagues to step in for me organising this.

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Finanzcheck would be happy to host our group. The cantina can fit all of us easily (unless attendance somehow explodes to really crazy levels ;)), and folks here have plenty of experience hosting meetups. There will be bagels 🍩

All that's left for us is to choose a date. We can have the cantina from 18:00 on pretty much any day in the coming weeks (except for Tuesday, 25.7., where there'll be another meetup here). So I'd ask @hofstef to decide which day suits him, and I'll take it from there.

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Hi, that's great news. Since I have to meet a deadline next week, I suggest a day between 31.07 and 03.08. I assume a projector will be available? In case you can provide a magnetic wall (e.g. a whiteboard or blackboard), please let me know. How much time do I have? 45min would be the minimum, an hour would be better.

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

How about Wednesday, 02.08., at 18:00 then? And you can take as much time as you need, as we only have this one talk and the remaining time will be for discussions / chatting. We have a large TV screen rather than a projector. I'll check if we have a mobile whiteboard I can get for us.

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Great, we have a date and a location. The large TV screen sounds fine. Should I give the talk in German or English? Or should I prepare slides in English and then we decide with the audience which language they prefer?

Here is a suggestion for an abstract:

Domain Storytelling (60 min talk + discussion) When we want to apply DDD, we must first master the domain. We have to identify bounded contexts and work out their ubiquitous languages. As we learn more about a domain and refine our languages, we will redraw the boarders of our bounded contexts. In a short workshop, I will show you how we can build up domain knowledge with Domain Storytelling: We let domain experts tell us stories about their tasks. While listening, we record the stories using a pictographic language. The domain experts can see immediately if we understand their story correctly. After very few stories, we are able to talk about the people, tasks, tools, work items, and events in that domain. Domain Stories help us to better understand a domain, to identify what is core, to segregate bounded contexts, and to constitute ubiquitous language.

For the discussion (15-30min?), I can prepare some thoughts on strategic design - just in case there is not enough input from the audience. Is that ok for you?

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago


Our sessions have usually been in English, so that's what I would expect. If you can switch between languages on demand, even better.

Definitely feel free to come prepared for the discussion. No harm could possibly come from that :)

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

We have a potential problem here :( I was just visited by a colleague who wants to hold a workshop in our company with an official consultant. It seems like the only possible date for them is the one I have blocked for our meetup. Would it be bad if we moved to one day earlier (ie. Tuesday, 01.08.)? @hofstef

hofstef commented 7 years ago

Hi, 01.08. is ok for me.

ulrichsg commented 7 years ago

@hofstef: FYI - I found out that we do have a mobile whiteboard that I can borrow.

hofstef commented 7 years ago

@ulrichsg Great, I will bring my "whiteboard kit". Depending on the size of the audience, I will use either use the TV or the whiteboard for the workshop part of the talk.