DDILLOUD / Spotify-AI-Music-Recommender

Unleash your audio muse: AI-powered music recommendations with Spotify and Streamlit. Discover new favorites based on what you love.
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Readme incomplete #1

Open MatiasCerioni opened 4 days ago

MatiasCerioni commented 4 days ago

Hey! I'm very interested in this program, but there are a few steps missing in the README:

a) Step 2 of the "Installation" process, regarding how to install required libraries.

b) Step 4 of the "Usage" instructions, regarding how to start the Streamlit app.

Looking forward to the fixes!

DDILLOUD commented 4 days ago

Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in the program and for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback. I appreciate your keen eye for detail, as it helps improve the project documentation.

I've recently updated the README file to address the points you've mentioned and to provide more comprehensive instructions. Here's a summary of the changes:

  1. Installation process:

    • I've added detailed instructions for creating a virtual environment (optional but recommended).
    • The command to install required libraries is now clearly stated: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Usage instructions:

    • I've included clear instructions on how to start the Streamlit app: streamlit run app.py

Additionally, I've expanded the README to include more information about the project structure, how to use the app, and contribution guidelines.

These updates should make it easier for users to set up and run the application. Please check the latest version of the README, and let me know if you need any further clarification or if there's anything else I can improve.

Thank you again for your valuable input. It's feedback like yours that helps make open-source projects better for everyone. I hope you enjoy using the Spotify Music Recommender!