DDMAL / Rodan

:dragon_face: A web-based workflow engine.
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Error screen leads to an inaccessible page (rodan.staging) #1147

Open kyrieb-ekat opened 1 month ago

kyrieb-ekat commented 1 month ago

This one has multiple stages, bear with me. Exact steps outlined below, video showing what happened, screenshots of ports and assigned resources.

(On rodan.staging.simssa.ca)

  1. Running a job
  2. Get error message containing a link and an 'unknown error' blurb
  3. Copy/paste link
  4. Link requires login
  5. Login does not recognize input credentials
  6. Hitting 'cancel' on login box leads to a webpage detailing unauthorized status but also some input port details

I went in and checked the assigned resources- everything is assigned correctly, the exception being that the output ports are out of order: the log file, when added, was put in position 1 where "Layer 1" usually exists. Normally when the "log file" output port is added it is automatically assigned to position three (third from the left ports going Layer 1-Background-Log file). I don't know if this would cause this issue.

I then went back and added two extra model input ports (model 2 and 3) to see if that would address the issue- some problem occurred.


Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10 09 48 AM Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10 09 54 AM Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10 10 40 AM Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10 13 25 AM Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 10 16 15 AM