Closed homework36 closed 4 months ago
related upstream postgre
error message:
ERROR: unexpected chunk number 2 (expected 1) for toast value 25525 in pg_toast_2619
rodan_postgres.1.orf57rr3nq8u@prod-rodan-swarm-debian | STATEMENT: SELECT "auth_permission"."codename" FROM "auth_permission" INNER JOIN "django_content_type" ON ("auth_permission"."content_type_id" = "django_content_type"."id") INNER JOIN "guardian_groupobjectpermission" ON ("auth_permission"."id" = "guardian_groupobjectpermission"."permission_id") INNER JOIN "auth_group" ON ("guardian_groupobjectpermission"."group_id" = "auth_group"."id") INNER JOIN "auth_user_groups" ON ("auth_group"."id" = "auth_user_groups"."group_id") WHERE ("auth_permission"."content_type_id" = 16 AND "guardian_groupobjectpermission"."content_type_id" = 16 AND "auth_user_groups"."user_id" = 3 AND "guardian_groupobjectpermission"."object_pk" = 'b7f62369-53ef-4f8c-a294-70826ed30a82') ORDER BY "django_content_type"."app_label" ASC, "django_content_type"."model" ASC, "auth_permission"."codename" ASC
In addition, when postgre
is having issues, login popup window will also appear (nothing to do with interactive classifier).
The postgre database has been corrupted due to unexpected container exit (in #1161). Trying to recover the database now. In the worst case, everything will be removed for a new install.
I have gotten a similar error when I remove jobs from a workflow rapidly, or connect a bunch of ports to one another very quickly. I got this one adding an input port to classifying
This instance has some mod issues from the beginning. We will move to another new instance for rodan2 soon.
on staging as well
I've pushed the changes to staging. Changes should be up tomorrow on staging.
cleared for prod as well
everything is working according to docker output but ...
It's possible that it's due to the tiny server size. But there might be something else going on. We are still not able to have a larger vGPU instance as of today (4/6/24). At the meantime, I launched another small vGPU with Ubuntu 20.04 to test compatibility with another potential OS version.
Error message inside