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Pixel zoom is half broken (with some workarounds until they can be fixed-fixed) #1169

Open kyrieb-ekat opened 3 months ago

kyrieb-ekat commented 3 months ago

Pixel is functional without this, but this gets increasingly messy the 'deeper' you need to go.

1) in the pixel tutorial we can see it's possible to get to zoom levels up to 7+. Currently pixel can only get up to 5 and then stops.

2) to get a closer view of items once you've reached pixel zoom 5 is to manually (cmd +) zoom, which becomes problematic when you are attempting to select a box or to drag (such as in brush or erase mode and using the shift + drag function), which will then default to the pixel window pulling you to one side or the other and not remaining immobile and letting you trace the target line

[!Tip] To address this while using pixel, manually drag the pixel zoom scrollbar as far to one side as you can.

[!Note] If you zoom in and the highlighted layer separates from the image, zoom back out using either zoom function, which will reset it, then zoom in with pixel-zoom FIRST, then manually zoom SLOWLY (don't rapidly click).

3) erasing in pixel-zoom-5 and manually zoomed in ~130% will at times 'freeze' in erase mode and default to the origin, and will not allow you to exit erase mode regardless of what you click, and will similarly continue erasing no matter what you do.

[!TIP] The trick to addressing this is to return to default manual zoom (100%), click out of the screen, cmd/ctrl-z whatever was just erased, click to another layer (or press 1 or 2), switch to brush (or press b) then go back. It should have reset.

All of this was on chrome in staging. Again, pixel is usable and navigable around this, these are just some current quirks.