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Simplify and test the whole process of adding a manuscript to CU #279

Closed jeromepl closed 3 years ago

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

I also need to write out all the steps to achieve this, and simplify this process as much as possible. In addition, the manifests should not be stored on the server anymore, we should only store the urls.

This is for @ahankinson 's presentation in early August.

Here is my guess as to how the process would currently go:

Note that there are a few extra steps if adding OMR data as well.

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

@ahankinson Are you going to import the manuscripts to the live server or to a local version on your machine during your presentation?

ahankinson commented 8 years ago

Not really a presentation, just a meeting. On the live server would be fine, preferably the Dev server

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

I just finished importing Paris 12044 and realized that you might want to prepare a folio mapping before hand, as it takes quite some time if there are a lot of folios and if the url doesn't contain the folio name (as is the case with Gallica manuscripts). You could show the tool, but use the management command ./manage.py import_folio_mapping <manuscript_id> [mapping_csv_file] to quickly import it.

ahankinson commented 8 years ago

Could you make sure I have a login to the Dev machine to do this? Username should be ahankins

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

I am currently working on a way to make the manuscript importation process entirely available through the Django admin interface. I will update you with all instructions on how to do so once that is done. This means you will only need a Django admin username and password.

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

Alright, here are the new steps:

What will be done before the meeting: (I should be able to do that on Monday)

What you will need to do during the meeting:

Much easier than previously in my opinion!

Also, the entire process could be automated if I could get access to the data dumps from Cantus DB statically. Right now I need to wait for them to generate the CSV file before downloading it. If I could have a direct link a simple admin page could be create to do everything (Import the chants, set the manuscript to be public, do the folio mapping).

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

I want to add here for reference that there are now 2 new management commands:

Those two commands should make migration easier since there is no need anymore to manually go and edit each public manuscript to check the 'public' box and add plugins.

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

Things that have changed since my last 2 comments:

Note that the backup files have the same format as the data dumps file created when submitting a mapping. They can thus be imported directly on the server with ./manage.py import_folio_mapping <manuscript_id> <mapping_csv_file> where the _mapping_csvfile is located in the folder _data_dumps/foliomapping/

ahankinson commented 8 years ago

So the message "The data dump file has to be in public/cantusdata/static/iiif/" is no longer correct?

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

Yes, this is completely wrong. It should say "The data dump file has to be in public/data_dumps/"

ahankinson commented 8 years ago

Can someone without access to the server do this?

jeromepl commented 8 years ago

Everything can be done with a Django admin username and password, except for the part where the data is downloaded and imported from Cantus DB. If we had a static access to CSV files from the Cantus DB then everything could be done without ever ssh-ing to the server.