Open JoyfulGen opened 3 years ago
The plot thickens... There are places in the manuscript where the syllables are clearly separated in the "Neon way," so with the two consonants grouped in the second syllable. Consider the following examples, from folios 046r and 038r respectively:
This syllabification does make more sense from a singer's point of view, but I don't think it corresponds to the modern rules of syllable separation that Cantus DB uses.
Words containing two consonants in a row ("laCTabat," "feSTinantes," "paSTores") are often separated into syllables differently by the Rodan job than what's on the Cantus DB. Specifically, the two consonants are put into different syllables on Cantus (which I think makes more sense), but on Neon the two consonants are grouped in the second syllable. So for example:
Cantus: lac-ta-bat / Neon: la-cta-bat
Cantus: fes-ti-nan-tes / Neon: fe-sti-na-ntes
Cantus: pas-to-res / Neon: pa-sto-res
If the two matched, it would save a fair amount of time.