-Autobalance putting borg on DS9 and Feddies on Borg ship still WITHOUT changes to faction, items etc.
-Ghosts can toggle shields of ships/stations.
-One report of a borg unable to utilise the "BUILD" function despite being in the mode with 90+ materials, a relog and a reconversion via conversion bench.
-Shuttles able to warp whilst still docked, in particular DS9 shuttle in this instance.
-Autobalance putting borg on DS9 and Feddies on Borg ship still WITHOUT changes to faction, items etc. -Ghosts can toggle shields of ships/stations. -One report of a borg unable to utilise the "BUILD" function despite being in the mode with 90+ materials, a relog and a reconversion via conversion bench. -Shuttles able to warp whilst still docked, in particular DS9 shuttle in this instance.