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votes before finish #209

Open Tsin opened 11 years ago

Tsin commented 11 years ago

many players cry that they joined in they play for like 1 hour they are near finish line suddenly a group of tees join in cant pass the noobfilter and they vote on next map

i have 2 solutions:

  1. map rotation/shuffle a simple things map changes every X time and they have that X time to finish the map when time ends and server makes a vote "extend map" if not then server changes the map by random or takes a next map from specialy created maps lists by admins.
  2. i had a more complicated idea that will use checkpoints
    • maps need to have a lot of checkpoints (those that show time diffrence in runs)
    • someone tries to make a vote and servers checks the first checkpoint and last checkpoint that is added on map

if for example there are 17 checkpoints on map and 2 players passed 14 checkpoint then server denies the vote and sends a message "vote cant be done X players are near finishline"

Learath2 commented 11 years ago

Or make it so players can vote for the next map in rotation and add a vote for rotate that requires 75% of the tees to say yes. Good enough ?

Tsin commented 11 years ago

the idea is old from counter-strike quake3 etc

but there they have a nice poll with "next maps" from 1-5 and 6 is extended and then you just pess a number and server checks the votes and if 2 maps go the same number of votes then a new poll is created with only this 2 maps and others that voted on diffrent maps can vote now on one of the winning maps simple