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lags with 2 clients (1.15a) on 1 pc #213

Closed Tsin closed 11 years ago

Tsin commented 11 years ago


if i open on my pc 2 clients (1.096a) everything works fine ping is normal (my pc isnt rly that bad so it can handle even 8 clients without any problems - games are in windowed mode both 1920x1080 high details)

game works fine smooth no problems at all

if i open 1 client (1.15a) and 1 client (1.096a) ping jumps a little bit fps gets a little lower but i can somehow play but it lags a lot ping jumps from 20 to 70

but if i open 2 clients 1.15a game lags like hell ping jumps to 200 or even more pc barely handels them

all this was tested on ddracemax and on my lan server (map dm1) with the same resault

please someone try to confirm it i dont know if its ddrace client or tw bug

Tsin commented 11 years ago

found the blame

gfx_threaded 1

if you change to 0 and restart the client it works good

so i if old system with gfx_threaded 0 worked fine for everyone then maybe we should stick with it for now as a default

Shereef commented 11 years ago

Won't fix(Oy style :D). submit to teeworlds repo.

Tsin commented 11 years ago

omg you noobzor i hate you zor so much zor i dont talk about fixing it :P im talking about making it

gfx_threaded 0 as a default so then nobody will complain on new ddrace client (in 0.6.1 stable there is no gfx_threaded 1 so nobody complains about this kind of problems and nobody have normal access to 0.7 trunk to know about this "problem")

Shereef commented 11 years ago

Agreed that i am a noobzor but still won't fix :p

just joking ok will do later (at work now)

cinaera commented 11 years ago

tried it on my pc, cant find much differences :/ gfx_threaded 1: lags with 3 clients gfx_threaded 0 / 0.6.1 client: lags with 3-4 clients

Tsin commented 11 years ago

so what i observed

on windows stable 0.6.1 client 1 client about 300 fps smooth 2 clients both about 130 fps smooth

on windows new 1.15a client gfx_threaded 0 works the same like above only maybe 5 fps less gfx_threaded 1 1 client works nice but about 280 fps 2 clients game lags like hell pings jump to 130

now linux stable 0.6.1 client 1 client about 310 fps smooth 2 clients both about 140 fps smooth aka the same like on windows but kind of feel smoother

on linux new 1.15a client gfx_threaded 0 1 client smooth 290 fps 2 clients smooth 130 fps gfx_threaded 1 1 client 280 fps sometimes lags but very very little 2 clients 115 fps game lags ping stays normal and dont rly reacts that much strange like on windows

so final conclusion old client on linux works better like on windows new client on linux with gfx_threaded 0 or 1 works worse like on windows but dont have that huge ping jumping

later when i will have more time i will make a new issue on tw repo about all of this

but still we have 2 choices

  1. remove gfx_threaded 1 from ddrace client and keep only the old "engine" code
  2. keep new engine but make gfx_threaded 0 as a default (maybe add a special ON/OFF feature in DDRace tab in game client next to cheats show ghost etc etc)
Tsin commented 11 years ago

next reason why we cant use gfx_threaded 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAq4fh5RKsk&feature

Learath2 commented 11 years ago

Because a video is private ?

Shereef commented 11 years ago

Yes @Learath2 because of threading the video becomes unsafe fro threading, Google Thread Safety!

Shereef commented 11 years ago

it's a joke :D

Learath2 commented 11 years ago

You no say ? :smile:

heinrich5991 commented 11 years ago

is this a chatroom? ^^

Tsin commented 11 years ago

omg what an idiot came to me gave me video i asked him to make gfx_threaded 0 he said that now it works fine and he removed the video gone off from skype

Learath2 commented 11 years ago

@Tsin meh. @heinrich5991 why not we can use it as one ^^

Tsin commented 11 years ago

chatting in comments is so AWESOME

btw animation in 1.15a acts strange when you stand on start line :D

Tsin commented 11 years ago


Learath2 commented 11 years ago

EWWWWW that vid looks sick

Learath2 commented 11 years ago

@Tsin it should be fine with this, commit closed it if you want you can open it again ^^