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Cna't tips object's vars. #151

Open zoujiaqing opened 7 years ago

zoujiaqing commented 7 years ago

Code example:

struct FImageInfo
    string hash;

    int widght;

    int hight;

    string ext;


    auto iter = query.Select("select * from f_image_info LIMIT 10");
    foreach(int i,FImageInfo info; iter){
        writeln("index : ", i, "   hash is : ", info.hash, " w = ", info.widght, "  h = ", info.hight, "  ext = ", info.ext);

bug, don't auto tips FImageInfo's vars? screenshot_20161229_183355

bruno-medeiros commented 7 years ago

You need to have the entity project have the dub describe operation resolve successfully, otherwise you'll get errors like the above. And for that, all the DUB dependencies need to be available.