In many instances, a shell command entered by user to supply a ts-exec: / mkv-exec: source or destination is not being treated as a shell expression but rather split by spaces.
This represents a problem when you need ffmpeg to play a file containing a space in ints file name or overlay a string of text with spaces. For example, the line:
ts-exec: ffmpeg -i "My File With Spaces.mpg" -c:v copy -mpegts -
will be split like this before invoking ffmpeg
ffmpeg|-i|"My|File|With|Spaces.mpg"|-c:v|copy|-mpegts - Other shell escaping characters like, \ , ' also do not work.
(replaces due to merge conflict in input_ts.cpp)
In many instances, a shell command entered by user to supply a ts-exec: / mkv-exec: source or destination is not being treated as a shell expression but rather split by spaces.
This represents a problem when you need ffmpeg to play a file containing a space in ints file name or overlay a string of text with spaces. For example, the line:
ts-exec: ffmpeg -i "My File With Spaces.mpg" -c:v copy -mpegts - will be split like this before invoking ffmpeg
ffmpeg|-i|"My|File|With|Spaces.mpg"|-c:v|copy|-mpegts -
Other shell escaping characters like
, \ , ' also do not work.The proposed PR solves this by actually invoking shell to interpret the entire command supplied by the user. (Inspired by
Note: WIN32 is implemented via CMD /C but untested.