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mailing list with archive #7

Open StephanJanosch opened 2 years ago

StephanJanosch commented 2 years ago
moin! How can one actually access the archive of the mailinglist? When you go to you find a link to, but this one is apprently broken
I think we don't have a proper archive. We never had a working one. I have still all the mails from the list here. Maybe we need to rethink how we handle that in future. Maybe p.floeffl has an idea how to proceed. Good reminder p.psomme2 to improve on that front

11:58 AM
The current hosting does not include archives. It would indeed be nice to improve here. It would need to be a trusted place were we preferably could host for free, and we would need to think about the use of the domain there as well.

12:15 PM
I made very good experiences with, one could request a list like it's free and managed by a trustworthy institution

1:56 PM
but this would mean a list closure and a migration of readers. I also like the DFN service a lot, good archive. Useful admin interface.

2:00 PM
no, you can absolutely have open lists at I do have that for one of my software packages:
psyplot - psyplot Community Mailing list - info
Chilipp commented 2 years ago

the only issue I see here that you might need to ask everyone in the list, as we give sensitive data (email-addresse) to externals (DFN)

StephanJanosch commented 2 years ago


as mail uses MX DNS record, mail could run at a different provider than other services. Not sure if that would worl=k

user transition

i guess we could export current subscriber list and use that for invitation in a new list tool.

message transition

export and reimport?

StephanJanosch commented 2 years ago

StephanJanosch commented 12 months ago

@knarrff did work on this

StephanJanosch commented 3 months ago could export old mails from an existing Thunderbird installation.

This could be imported into mailman:

We would end up with a complete archive of the list. I have still all mails