DEAP / deap

Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Use of DEAP for MGGP #328

Open mattbarsotti opened 5 years ago

mattbarsotti commented 5 years ago


I'm happy to direct this query to developers outside of the issues section if preferable; I was unclear if there was a default means of making non-issue inquiries.

My question is whether DEAP has been or could potentially be deployed for an MGGP architecture, with the intent of doing symbolic regression. The assemblage of multiple smaller trees into larger "individuals" and using MLR for a cost function is somewhat different from than the various examples on the main webpage. While the toolset for DEAP is fairly general, it is not clear to me whether the components have the ability to be assembled in this way.

Any feedback or technical papers along these lines would be most appreciated, as we are still exploring what libraries might prove most helpful.


fmder commented 5 years ago

Actually no-issues should be posted on the user mailing list.

Please define MGGP and MLR, I'm not sure what they mean.