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Try out Makie.jl instead of Plots.jl #11

Open luisaforozco opened 4 months ago

luisaforozco commented 4 months ago

Plot.jl is a heavy dependency. We would like to explore if using Makie.jl can be a better option.

What are the biggest differences between Makie.jl and Plots.jl?

luisaforozco commented 3 months ago

I found that with Makie.jl you cannot directly create a gif but an mp4 and then convert it using ffmpeg.

SCiarella commented 3 weeks ago

Performance could be improved by using Makie instead of Plots due to its quick loading time and better speed in generating animations.

Consider for example the following snipped from 03.01

using Plots
anim = Animation()
fig = plot(layout = (3, 1), size = (800, 300))
@gif for i in 1:2:size(u_dns, 3)
    p1 = plot(grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 1, i], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u",
        linetype = :steppre, label = "DNS")
    plot!(grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 1, i], linetype = :steppre, label = "LES")
    p2 = plot(grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 2, i], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u",
        linetype = :steppre, legend = false)
    plot!(grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 2, i], linetype = :steppre, legend = false)
    p3 = plot(grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 3, i], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u",
        linetype = :steppre, legend = false)
    plot!(grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 3, i], linetype = :steppre, legend = false)
    title = "Time: $(round((i - 1) * saveat_shock, digits = 2))"
    fig = plot(p1, p2, p3, layout = (3, 1), title = title)
    frame(anim, fig)
if isdir("./plots")
    gif(anim, "plots/03.01_Burgers.gif", fps = 10)
    gif(anim, "examples/plots/03.01_Burgers.gif", fps = 10)

It can be replaced by

using GLMakie 
fig = Figure(resolution = (400, 600))
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")
ax3 = Axis(fig[3, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")
lines1 = lines!(ax1, grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 1, 1], color = :blue)
lines2 = lines!(ax1, grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 1, 1], color = :red)
lines3 = lines!(ax2, grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 2, 1], color = :blue)
lines4 = lines!(ax2, grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 2, 1], color = :red)
lines5 = lines!(ax3, grid_u_dns.x, u_dns[:, 3, 1], color = :blue)
lines6 = lines!(ax3, grid_u_les.x, u_les[:, 3, 1], color = :red)
if isdir("./plots")
    plotname = "plots/03.01_Burgers.gif"
    plotname = "examples/plots/03.01_Burgers.gif"
record(fig, plotname, 1:2:size(u_dns, 3), visible=true, loop=0, framerate=10) do i
    lines1[1] = grid_u_dns.x
    lines1[2] = u_dns[:, 1, i]
    lines2[1] = grid_u_les.x
    lines2[2] = u_les[:, 1, i]
    lines3[1] = grid_u_dns.x
    lines3[2] = u_dns[:, 2, i]
    lines4[1] = grid_u_les.x
    lines4[2] = u_les[:, 2, i]
    lines5[1] = grid_u_dns.x
    lines5[2] = u_dns[:, 3, i]
    lines6[1] = grid_u_les.x
    lines6[2] = u_les[:, 3, i]
    ax1.title = "Time: $(round((i - 1) * saveat_shock, digits = 2))"


using GLMakie

fig = Figure(resolution = (400, 600))
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")
ax3 = Axis(fig[3, 1], xlabel = "x", ylabel = "u")

# Create observables for the y data of the lines
y1 = Observable(u_dns[:, 1, 1])
y2 = Observable(u_les[:, 1, 1])
y3 = Observable(u_dns[:, 2, 1])
y4 = Observable(u_les[:, 2, 1])
y5 = Observable(u_dns[:, 3, 1])
y6 = Observable(u_les[:, 3, 1])

lines1 = lines!(ax1, grid_u_dns.x, y1, color = :blue)
lines2 = lines!(ax1, grid_u_les.x, y2, color = :red)
lines3 = lines!(ax2, grid_u_dns.x, y3, color = :blue)
lines4 = lines!(ax2, grid_u_les.x, y4, color = :red)
lines5 = lines!(ax3, grid_u_dns.x, y5, color = :blue)
lines6 = lines!(ax3, grid_u_les.x, y6, color = :red)

if isdir("./plots")
    plotname = "plots/03.01_Burgers.gif"
    plotname = "examples/plots/03.01_Burgers.gif"
record(fig, plotname, 1:2:10, visible=true) do i
    y1[] = u_dns[:, 1, i]
    y2[] = u_les[:, 1, i]
    y3[] = u_dns[:, 2, i]
    y4[] = u_les[:, 2, i]
    y5[] = u_dns[:, 3, i]
    y6[] = u_les[:, 3, i]
    ax1.title = "Time: $(round((i - 1) * saveat_shock, digits = 2))"

However there are the following problems:

So this basically means that the Makie implementation shown here would not be well integrated into the example notebooks.

If we are able to fix the problem above, I think that using Makie would be a significant improvement.