DEFRA / os-map-ref

OsMapRef is a tool to help handle UK Ordnance Survey map references, in particular to convert them to other coordinate systems
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Fix rubocop issue #31

Closed Cruikshanks closed 4 years ago

Cruikshanks commented 4 years ago

The latest version of rubocop has changed the namespace for suppressing exceptions. This resolves the issue and prevents rubocop raising

Inspecting 12 files
.W.....os_map_ref.gemspec: Metrics/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
os_map_ref.gemspec: Metrics/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
Rakefile:14:1: W: Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective: Unnecessary disabling of Lint/HandleExceptions (unknown cop).
Rakefile:21:1: W: Lint/SuppressedException: Do not suppress exceptions. (
rescue LoadError
12 files inspected, 2 offenses detected