DEFRA / software-development-standards

Standards and guidance relating to software development in Defra
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Add welcome information for new developers #30

Open Cruikshanks opened 4 years ago

Cruikshanks commented 4 years ago

It's a common discussion point, not just amongst new starters, about where to go to find stuff. Hot on the tails of this is

we could really do with a welcome guide!

Surely the home for such a thing is here? So this issue is about adding content to this project specifically targetted for new users (and perhaps to re-acquaint those of us a bit longer in the tooth).

Even if it's just a list of links to other contents, it will at least highlight and bring together the key things we think people need to know to get cracking in their role as a developer in Defra.

Cruikshanks commented 4 years ago

@DGajewska has suggested they are interested in putting an initial thing together. So I and @bensagar-ea have happily volunteered to work with them on getting something initially proposed. Feel free to log initial suggestions and ideas here though.

irisfaraway commented 4 years ago

@Cruikshanks Mandy actually asked me to get one of these together a while ago, so I've been working on a draft myself! I can add it here if you'd like?

DGajewska commented 4 years ago

@irisfaraway yes please! It would be really good to see what you've got and not let your hard work go to waste :)

Texel22 commented 4 years ago

I think some kind of info pack would be really helpful.