DENSORobot / denso_robot_ros

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How to use func_id: 72(robot_move) to move the robot to a specific pose? #48

Open DobbyPeng opened 2 years ago

DobbyPeng commented 2 years ago

I used MoveIt to control the arm before, but I often get 8440454 or 8420404 errors when executing the trajectory planned by MoveIt.

So I want to use the /bcap_service service to move the arm to the specific pose by given [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, fig]. And set the speed/acceleration of the robot. But I don't know how to set the value of vntArgs.

mappold commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm not from Denso and can't answer your question unfortunately but I am also interested in it. You want to use /bcap_service because it will probably fix the error and also enables you to give the figure as a parameter right?

ToshitakaSuzuki commented 2 years ago

If you don't use MoveIt, I recommend directly use of bcap library instead of bcap_service node. Here is the sample of moving robot by bcap library:

bcap_service node is the ROS wrapper of bcap library. So both can achieve the same thing. But bcap library has a simple format and less overhead compared to bcap_service node.

DobbyPeng commented 2 years ago

I would still use MoveIt for its collision detection. And sometimes I use MoveIt when the end effector needs to move at constant velocity. Can /denso_robot_control and /bcap_service work together?

ToshitakaSuzuki commented 2 years ago

Can /denso_robot_control and /bcap_service work together?

Yes. But it is need to coordinate taking an arm semaphore and switching slave mode.

Here is a python script using bcap_service. This moves robot to P0 by PTP @0.

import rospy
from bcap_service.msg import variant
from bcap_service.srv import *

def main():
    rospy.init_node('robot_move_node', anonymous=True)

    bcapSrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('bcap_service', bcap)
    # Controller Connect
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 3
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="CaoProv.DENSO.RC8"))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="localhost"))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    ctrlHandle = response.vntRet.value
    print("Controller Handle:" + ctrlHandle)

    # Get Robot
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 7
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value=ctrlHandle))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    robotHandle = response.vntRet.value
    print("Robot Handle:" + robotHandle)

    # Execute Take Arm
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 64
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value=robotHandle))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="takearm"))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    print("Take Arm")

    # Execute Motor ON
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 64
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value=robotHandle))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="motor"))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value="1"))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    print("Motor ON")

    # Move
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 72
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value=robotHandle))
    # 1=PTP
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value="1"))
    # Pose
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="@0 P0"))
    # Option
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    print("Move to P0 by PTP @0")

    # Execute GiveArm
    bcapReq = bcap_service.srv.bcapRequest()
    bcapReq.func_id = 64
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=3, value=robotHandle))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value="givearm"))
    bcapReq.vntArgs.append(variant(vt=8, value=""))
    response = bcapSrv(bcapReq)
    print("Give Arm")

if __name__ == '__main__':
DobbyPeng commented 2 years ago

I have tried something these days.

  1. Open /denso_robot_control and /bcap_service
  2. rostopic pub /ChangeMode std_msgs/Int32 "data: 0"
  3. Controller_Connect (function ID: 3): Get the controller handle index
  4. Controller_GetRobot (function ID: 7): Get the robot handle index
  5. Robot_Execute with "Takearm" command (function ID: 64): Get arm control authority
  6. rosservice call /bcap_service '{func_id: 72, vntArgs: [{vt: 3, value: "robot handle index"}, {vt: 8, value: "@0 P(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, fig)"}, {vt: 8, value: "Next"}]}'
  7. Robot_Execute with "Givearm" command (function ID: 64): Release arm control authority
  8. Robot_Release (function ID: 84)
  9. Controller_Disconnect (function ID: 4)
  10. rostopic pub /ChangeMode std_msgs/Int32 "data: 258"

At step 10, the robot got an error saying that my command was sent too fast. I forget the error code number. I will check it tomorrow.

DobbyPeng commented 2 years ago

There are two errors: 83500121 and 84204051 at step 10.

But if I skip step 6, I can change to slave mode successfully and control the robot by MoveIt.

DobbyPeng commented 2 years ago

Sorry. I forget to describe my environment. I use Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic.

The robot is VM-6083M and the controller is RC8.

DENSO-FASupport commented 1 year ago

Dear @DobbyPeng san, Thank you for using the DENSO Robot. I apologize for this late reply.

rosservice call /bcap_service '{func_id: 72, vntArgs: [{vt: 3, value: "robot handle index"}, {vt: 8, value: "@0 P(x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, fig)"}, {vt: 8, value: "Next"}]}' You put Next option, but is there any intention? If the following command is a non-motion command, the non-motion command can be executed simultaneously with the robot motion of the current command. You send a command "ChangeMove" while executing Move, and I think the error is occurring. Could you delete Next and execute ChangeMode after the Move is complete. Next option :

■Errors 83500121:SlvMove command was executed while the Slave mode was not selected. Switch to the Slave mode and then retry. 84204051:J1 command speed limit over. Unexpected error. If the system is set to the Slave mode, confirm that the motion command from the master is correct.

You can check the error here. For the error code, refer to ErrorList.pdf. To view it, you need to register as a member.

Various operations are available with bcapservice. Please refer this documentation in your ORiN installed folder. "C:\ORiN2\CAP\b-CAP\CapLib\DENSO\RC8\Doc\b-CAP_Guide_RC8_en.pdf"

I'm sorry to trouble you, but I appreciate your cooperation. Thank you very much!