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How to create moveit related files after adding gripper to VS050A3 robot. #53

Closed yo4hi6o closed 2 years ago

yo4hi6o commented 2 years ago

Thank you for always following me. Added gripper to URDF file in vs050_description file. However, when executing Move It, the following error occurs and Move It does not work well.

[ WARN] [1662612086.943877938]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known.  Missing left_finger_joint1
[ERROR] [1662613488.754189262]: Joints on incoming goal don't match the controller joints.

I edited the SRDF file, denso_robot_control.yaml and other related files, but none of them worked. Therefore, I tried to create a move-it related file after adding the gripper to the URDF again using the following procedure in the tutorial,

rosrun denso_robot_bringup ~/vs050a3_description

but I got an error that it could not be executed.

Could you tell me how to add a new gripper to this repository?

yo4hi6o commented 2 years ago

I added the gripper information to the following 6 files and was able to solve it.

1.vs050a3.urdf 2.denso_robot_hw.cpp 3.denso_robot_gazebo.launch 4.denso_robot_control.launch 5.controllers.yaml 6.denso_robot_control.yaml

thank you.