DEVSENSE / Phalanger

PHP 5.4 compiler for .NET/Mono frameworks. Predecessor to the opensource PeachPie project (
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100,000 different script method, program memory is very large, can add unload temp assembly public method?? #58

Closed taotao2014 closed 8 years ago

taotao2014 commented 8 years ago

100,000 different script method, program process memory is very large, can add unload temp assembly public method?? , have a better solution?????

Thank you very much.

Assembly beisen_AppFramework_TempFile_0CF8D27731D05A79C556E0E242E4E4D8~8#35863539#08d2e17a0584efaf, Version Assembly beisen_AppFramework_TempFile_000B2394F04EC39A533F92CC2F63FFD0~8#35863539#08d2e11ae09dcbd0, Version ..........

my c# code:

  private static ScriptContext _scriptContext;

  static PhpDynamicScript()
        _scriptFileHashDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        _scriptContext = new ScriptContext(ApplicationContext.Default);
        _scriptContext.GlobalVariables["_logger"] =
           _scriptContext.NewObject(@"Beisen\Logging\LogWrapper"); ;

  private bool ExecuteDynamicScript(string code, out string errorMsg)
        code = "<? " + code + " ?>";
        errorMsg = string.Empty;
            string scriptHash = Tools.GetScriptHash(code);
            string scriptFileFullName =      Path.Combine(DynamicScriptEngineSettings.Instance.ScriptTempFile, scriptHash);
            string scriptFile = GenerateScriptFile(scriptFileFullName, code);
            _scriptContext.Include(scriptFile, true);
            _compiled = true;
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.Error(new CompileErrorException("compile error",ex));
            errorMsg = "compile error";
            return false;

   public T CallFunction<T>(string functionName, params object[] parameters)
        ArgumentHelper.AssertNotEmpty(functionName, "functionName");
        if (_scriptContext != null)
            var result = InternalCallFunction(functionName, parameters);
            if (result == null)
                return default(T);
            if (result is ClrObject)
                var clrObject = ((ClrObject) result); 
                dynamic realObj = (T)clrObject.RealObject;
                if (clrObject.RuntimeFields != null)
                    foreach (var field in clrObject.RuntimeFields)
                        realObj[field.Key.String] = field.Value;
                return realObj;
            return (T)result;
        return default(T);

  private object InternalCallFunction(string functionName, params object[] parameters)
        if (!_scriptContext.DeclaredFunctions.ContainsKey(functionName))
                new ScriptFunctionNotFoundException(String.Format("TenantId:{0},FunctionName:{1},Language:{2}",
                    _tenantId, functionName, Language)));
            return null;
        var result = _scriptContext.Call(functionName, parameters);
        if (result != null && result.Value != null)
            return result.Value;
        return null;

Thank you very much, have a better solution?????

jakubmisek commented 8 years ago

That's how .NET works. You are creating script files and Phalanger is compiling them - loads them into memory and call them. There is no way of unloading assemblies from the process memory.