sample acc study
454 PF0180-C ERS017388 1017
454 Population genetics of natural populations in Northern Ghana
contact_name contact_email country site collection_year
454 Lucas Amenga-Etego Ghana Navrongo 2010
sample_prep bases bases_mapped bases_duplicated avg_read_length
454 4724041788 4631818296 855311135 75
mean_base_quality bases_of_1X_coverage bases_of_5X_coverage
454 25.5 23156910 23082804
bases_of_10X_coverage bases_of_50X_coverage mean_coverage
454 23005542 21841663 196.64
mean_fragment_size sd_fragment_size X.callable IsFieldSample
454 323.1 45.2 89.9 True
PreferredSample AllSamplesThisIndividual
454 True PF0180-C
DEploid result seems normal
ID Population Site Depth Est_K P1 P2 P3 P4 group relatedness
1510 PF0180-C Ghana Kassena 196.64 1 1 0 0 0 Africa2 NA
N50_IBD_Length.kb Mean_IBD_goodness cluster year eff_k
1510 NA NA <NA> 2010 1
From the Pf3k meta data, it seems pretty normal,
DEploid result seems normal