DF-Circles / Milestones-Review

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DFR4B-IDT2-Milestone 3 #306

Closed DFRC-ADMIN closed 2 days ago

DFRC-ADMIN commented 1 week ago

Contract: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEHbi4ttFSAaodFq4DRlTW0LgHfLFRLj/view?usp=sharing

Milestone deliverable:

Milestone 1 and 2 Analysis https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14x38WcFqaEL5l6Mm1FavynoW1SwE9iyD?usp=sharing Originally, our milestone was supposed to simulate comments and contributions of a round and analyze them using our webapp. But due to a request from Jan and Rafael we relaced the simulation with an analysis of previous rounds. Notably Round 1 and 2. We also provide a link of the publicly hosted webapp as promised from the last milestone.

DFRC-ADMIN commented 6 days ago

Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EDftQx8nkle4poZQTmuuQXFvz1chc-fiic54BIePE2g/edit?usp=drivesdk