DF1E / SimpleExplorer

Open Source Filemanager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix #32 - Copy, cut and paste are off screen... when renaming a file #44

Closed unrulygnu closed 9 years ago

unrulygnu commented 9 years ago

Bug in Theme.AppCompat (appcompat-v7:22.1.0 and appcompat-v7:22.1.1) implements white, untinted AppCompat ActionMode icons in both Light and Dark themes on pre-Lollipop devices, resulting in white-on-white invisible icons in the Light theme.

Note that Lollipop devices seem to fall back to the platform theme with correctly tinted icons, so they are unaffected by the bug.

This affects any Text Selection ActionMode, wherever a TextView or an EditText has textIsSelectable enabled. This includes RenameDialog, CreateFileDialog, and CreateFolderDialog.

Implementing android.support.v7.AlertDialog for these dialogs is the best long-term fix for the issue, but it has blocking bugs in the current appcompat version.

Assigned existing light and dark holo icons for Select All, Cut, and Copy to the corresponding Theme.AppCompat attributes in the two child themes in styles.xml. These can be removed when android.support.v7.AlertDialog is fixed and implemented.

This provides visible icons in the Text Selection ActionMode on pre-Lollipop devices, without affecting those on Lollipop.