DFE-Digital / ecf2

This application will replace the Manage training for early career teachers service in 2025.
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Research what previous design improvements or quick wins we could implement from the Schools team 🏫 #32

Open claire-hughez opened 1 month ago

claire-hughez commented 1 month ago


We should find out what the schools team has already done and suggested for design improvements to the ECF services.

There might be designs or research we can use to help us going forward, for registration journeys for schools or to help with support tooling for finance and admin. For example, on internal user permissions.

These suggestions can help inform our own designs we want to test going forwards, or they might have already tested things that we can implement.


claire-hughez commented 1 month ago

Schools UR folder: https://educationgovuk.sharepoint.com.mcas.ms/sites/TeacherServices/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FTeacherServices%2FShared%20Documents%2FTeacher%20Continuing%20Professional%20Development%2FTeacher%20CPD%20Team%2FSchools%20and%20Teachers%20Team%2FUser%20Research&viewid=420ff9ec%2D8024%2D44b8%2D88e1%2D0e880710e9fc

gracecbrennan commented 1 month ago

@aabdi18 is going to compile and add.

mason-emily commented 1 month ago

Awo finishing this this week - will share on the channel

aabdi18 commented 3 weeks ago

Current work in progress: https://educationgovuk-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/awo_abdi_education_gov_uk/Eej-b_EynYpMtCaCT2QUG_wB-2qNt5QNq0AtEsi83vSO4A?e=XC5OHv

gracecbrennan commented 3 weeks ago

@aabdi18 has a catch-up with Kerry on this.

claire-hughez commented 3 weeks ago

New link now it's moved:
