The organisations that serve as appropriate bodies and delivery partners are often the same.
However, it's hard to sometimes know this, because:
they don't have an unique identifier to easily refer to them
they seem to go by different names depending on if they're playing their role as an AB or DP
the lists we have at least currently for ABs and DPs have different names or organisations
ABs not having a unique identifier makes it tricky for us to be able to know definitely which AB we're talking about with users. The names being different also mean that it can be confusing for schools when they're reporting on their AB or delivery partner.
Some users also refer to these organisations by an acronym for their name. Can we find these? Are they official?
Talk to Nathan
Find out about the mapping he mentioned for ABs/DPs
The organisations that serve as appropriate bodies and delivery partners are often the same.
However, it's hard to sometimes know this, because:
ABs not having a unique identifier makes it tricky for us to be able to know definitely which AB we're talking about with users. The names being different also mean that it can be confusing for schools when they're reporting on their AB or delivery partner.
Some users also refer to these organisations by an acronym for their name. Can we find these? Are they official?
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