This story delivers the functionality to check for if an ECT is currently active at the same school when we find a TRS record match. This might happen if the school tries to re-register an ECT in error, and we should not allow the same ECT to be registered more than once so we end the registration journey in this case.
User story
As a school user
I need to be told if the ECT I'm registering is already registered at my school
So that I know why I cannot register the ECT
Screenshots of relevant screens for if the ECT is already registered at the school:
Content should be as per the prototype.
URL should be as per this doc.
Acceptance criteria
[ ] 1. When user submits a valid TRN and date of birth on the 'Find an ECT' page and a match is found for the ECT's TRS record:
[ ] 1a. If the ECT is already currently registered at the school, user will be navigated to the '[ECT name] has already been registered' page.
[ ] 1b. If the ECT is not already currently registered at the school, user will continue to be navigated to the 'Check if this is your ECT' page.
[ ] 2. On the '[ECT name] has already been registered' page:
[ ] 2a. H1 text will include the ECT's first and last name from their TRS record.
[ ] 2b. Content will be as per the prototype.
[ ] 2c. There will be a link to 'Register another ECT' which navigates the user to the 'Find an ECT' page where the fields should be reset to blank.
[ ] 2d. There will be no 'Back' link on the 'You cannot register [ECT name]' page.
[ ] 3. AC 1&2 above will be replicated for the 'We cannot find your ECT's details' page when a TRS match is found using TRN and NINO.
Technical notes
Note, in future, ECTs will be able to transfer between schools, so it will be important for the check covered in this story that we are checking if the ECT is currently registered at the school rather than whether they've ever been registered there.
Speak to Lorenzo & Tony when picking this up.
Linked tickets
Dependent on #512
Similar to #687 #688
Linked to #473
This story delivers the functionality to check for if an ECT is currently active at the same school when we find a TRS record match. This might happen if the school tries to re-register an ECT in error, and we should not allow the same ECT to be registered more than once so we end the registration journey in this case.
User story
As a school user I need to be told if the ECT I'm registering is already registered at my school So that I know why I cannot register the ECT
Prototype, screenshots & content
Prototype link to the '[ECT name] has already been registered' page
Screenshots of relevant screens for if the ECT is already registered at the school:
Content should be as per the prototype. URL should be as per this doc.
Acceptance criteria
Technical notes
Note, in future, ECTs will be able to transfer between schools, so it will be important for the check covered in this story that we are checking if the ECT is currently registered at the school rather than whether they've ever been registered there.
Speak to Lorenzo & Tony when picking this up.
Linked tickets
Dependent on #512 Similar to #687 #688 Linked to #473