DFE-Digital / version-control-for-content-designers

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Video course #3

Open peteryates opened 3 years ago

peteryates commented 3 years ago

The original course sessions broadcast via Zoom were successful and the feedback was positive. They weren't recorded and wouldn't really have been suitable for re-watching because much of the session was general discussion and troubleshooting as people followed along in real time.

As we restart, short videos that can be paused/replayed seem like a better option. This is issue a placeholder for notes on the chapters and contents.

Video course

Part 1: Getting Github Desktop installed and configured

Part 2: Using github desktop, the basics

Part 3: Markdown

Part 4: More-advanced git

YouTube playlist


ghost commented 3 years ago

Hey Peter, how are you planning on recording this, Yourself on you mac? Should you be thinking Windows10 version behind our proxy, want to collaborate and do it both ways, you from your Mac and me on the DfE surface?

peteryates commented 3 years ago

Hi Niko - I'm recording on a non-DfE Windows machine.

The first section of the course is going to target only markdown, git and github. That will be focussed purely around tools we can get greenlit by the DfE - so it'll just be VS Code and Github Destkop.

The second part, which I've not planned for at all, will be the prototyping toolkit. That's a bit more involved and will need have to cover the problems you mention above. I don't have access to DfE kit so it would be great to collaborate on that part.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Done, we'll put something together, I have all the bypassing proxy CLI commands.

peteryates commented 3 years ago

Some really handy feedback from @croftla:

On how to find content in GitHub: