MONK is an automated integration and system test framework primarily designed for DFE's HydraIP devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 9 forks source link

Compare Open Source Licenses #41

Closed erikbgithub closed 11 years ago

erikbgithub commented 11 years ago


MONK has no real open source license yet.


Find out, what the keywords in licensing are, which are the most important open source licenses and on which basis they can be compared. Detail the information about the resources used for the research as well as the differences between those licenses, so that based on this issue a decision can be made, which license is to be applied to MONK.


This issue contains only the texts linked here and a presentation in the Google Driver folders of DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH. A review of the presentation should be sufficient to close this Issue.

  1. Overview Investigation
  2. Licenses / Details
  3. Decision Making Helpers
  4. Presentation - Exists in DFE-GoogleDrive, public link possible?
erikbgithub commented 11 years ago


The following pages give an overview about the topic and introduce the most important licenses and further resources.

"A Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses" - (link)

by Cameron Shapman, Smashing Magazine, 2010 found with Google


Further links

"HOWTO: Pick an open source license" (Part 1, Part 2)

by Ed Burnett, ZDNet, 2006 (found via [Shapman2010])

This article gives a guide about making the right decisions about what you want from a license and discusses more options then the first article does.

Questions to ask, when choosing a license:

  1. Do you want to relinquish any control over how your code is used and distributed?
  2. Do you want to allow people to use your code in non open-source programs?
  3. If somebody uses your code in their program and sells their program for money, do you want some of that money?
  4. If somebody uses and distributes your code and improves it (fixes bugs or adds features) do you want to make them give you the improvements back so you can use them too?
  5. (only mentioned in Part 2) Do you need patent licensing?

Licenses discussed (and which questions are answered "yes", ~ means "maybe"):

If necessary it is possible to ask a user to fulfil additional requirements before a license is granted. This leads to multi licensing of the same software, i.e. FOSS usage gets GPL license while commercial usage must pay for an individual license.


Further Links

"Understanding Open-Source Licensing" (link)

Ben Adida, OpenACS, Year unknown (found in [Shapman2010])

This article doesn't discuss how to choose an open source license, but rather how and why those licenses exist. It explains what copyright is and what might be considered a derivative work, that every developer owns the copy right on his specific small part of a project, and that licensing is done for the whole project. That means earlier or later a lot of people need to be involved, if changes to the licensing of a project should be done. Therefore and because some licenses state it explicitely, a license shoulde be considered static, once a project decided for it.

It also talks about the GPL, which is often called *copyleft because it trys to use copyright laws to deactivate copyright itself.


Further Links

Debian Free Software Guidelines & FAQ (Social Contract with DFSG, FAQ)


Further Links

"What is free software?" (link)

Free Software Foundation, Year unknown


"Make Your Open Source Software GPL-Compatible. Or Else." (link)

David A. Wheeler, 2002-2013 (found via [DFSG-FAQ])


Further Links

"Fear of Forking" (link)

Rick Moen, EMail, 1999

"Freedom Fighters" (link)

Jeremy Allison, tuxdeluxe.org, 2007

Copyright vs. Copyleft Licencing and Software Development (download)

Massimo D'Antoni, Maria Alessandra Rossi, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena


"Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project" (link)

"'The BSD License Problem" (link)


There are different articles on Wikipedia, which are handled in short in this chapter.

Other links

erikbgithub commented 11 years ago

Licenses - Informational Research


Open Source Definition by Open Source Initiative (link)

In Detail:

  1. Free Redistribution
  2. Source Code
  3. Derived Works
  4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code
  5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
  6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
  7. Distribution of License
  8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
  9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
  10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

Free Software Definition by FSF (link)

The Four Freedoms

  1. The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
  2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).
  4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

GPL (license in version 3, FAQ)


Mozilla Public License (overview, text, FAQ)



Apache 2.0 License (link, FAQ, GPL compatibility, application)


BSD Licenses (3-clause, 2-clause)

MIT/X11 License (link)

Creative Commons CC0 (text, application)

Public Domain

erikbgithub commented 11 years ago

License comparison

TODO: Review and add links. It's not much more then brain storming now.


What is FOSS?

License Compatibility Overview

Compatibility Chart, taken from David A. Wheeler, 2007 Compatibility Chart

If your software is directly or indirectly reachable by the license of a software package you want to use, then both are compatible. It is possible to reach GPLv3 from BSD-new so a GPLv3 project can use BSD-new licensed code. The other way is not possible, because no arrows go from GPLv3 to BSD-new, not even indirectly.


If there is not a very special situation one of the following 2 should be chosen:

A. GPLv3 (and later) B. Apache License 2.0 Reasons:


C. Docs: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Finding Own Requirements

Other things to consider:

Future Legal Risks

  1. PSF License dependencies
  2. Our infringements of third party copyrights
  3. Third party infringements of our copyright

GPLv3 or later

Apache License 2.0

Summary of Alternatives

Decision Advice

Decision Making

erikbgithub commented 11 years ago

Presentation is prepared. If it is possible to show it in public is still open

erikbgithub commented 11 years ago

Presented and therefore finished.

erikbgithub commented 7 years ago

Current status March 2017 from a lawyer: https://writing.kemitchell.com/2017/03/29/OSS-Business-Perception-Report.html#

Summary: If you want to license FOSS source code

Conclusion is that GPLv2 would've been slightly better for MONK than GPLv3+.