DFIRKuiper / Kuiper

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what content should be in .kjson? #51

Closed cyber1c3 closed 2 years ago

cyber1c3 commented 2 years ago

i find many parser in kuiper is builtin ,such as yum_sources 图片

i just dont understand how to create a kjson file?,like yum_sources.kjson, what is the formate it should be?

i has try write this content to yum_sources.kjson


when upload to kuiper,and parse it 图片 kjson parser has error,and dont tell me why? the Artifacts view also has nothing : 图片

so , could you please write some wiki to tell us how to create a *.kjson ,masure it can be parsed by kuiper and get a Artifacts result i want to write some parser to parse some artifacts from linux machine,but your wiki is not easy to understand

AbdulRhmanAlfaifi commented 2 years ago

Hi, kjson is a JSONL file (line separated JSON objects) with predefined fields. The following is an example with the data you provided:

    "Data": {"baseurl":"www.xxxx.com/baseurl/xxxx"},
    "data_type": "<ARTIFACT_NAME>",
    "data_source": "<ARTIFACT_SOURCE>",
    "data_path": "<ARTIFACT_SOURCE_PATH>"


Also, make sure to add the field @timestamp to the JSON object in the field Data to be able to visualize it in the timeline otherwise it will default to 1700-01-01 00:00:00

cyber1c3 commented 2 years ago

@AbdulRhmanAlfaifi thx! it works, by the way, when kuiper will support get artifact from linux? i think ,linux is the same important as windows