DFIRKuiper / Kuiper

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Edit Timeline Template? #66

Closed nyrm-f closed 1 year ago

nyrm-f commented 1 year ago


Have a question with the Timeline/tag export sheet.

Whats the best way to customize it myself?

I found timeline.xlsx in /kuiper/app/utils/build_timeline and edited it in Libreoffice (when i edit in excel and send to kuiper, Kuiper throws error saying ZIP not found). I added a few columns to the template at timeline.xlsx. Then when i go to localhost:5000/case/caseID/timeline and download a new timeline, it does not use my template at all.

Any ideas?


salehmuhaysin commented 1 year ago


im not sure what is the reason for ZIP not found if you could share the timeline template or the error message to help,

regarding the new columns, ensure that the all previous timeline for the case removed from kuiper/kuiper/files/timeline/ before generating the timeline, becuase it will ignore the template timeline.xlsx and use the previous timelines

for the Timeline View, ensure it includes the following columns