DFKI-NI / mir_robot

ROS support for the MiR Robots. This is a community project to use the MiR Robots with ROS. It is not affiliated with Mobile Industrial Robots.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Spawning MiR Robot into AWS Small Warehouse World #105

Closed rllyryan closed 2 years ago

rllyryan commented 2 years ago

Dear to whom it may concern,

I am having problems trying to spawn the MiR robot into the small warehouse world provided by AWS. For starters, I don't really have a good idea on how to modify the launch files so that the corresponding world file is used.

Here is the link to the repository: https://github.com/aws-robotics/aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world

Could I please get some advice/help on how to go about this? (For example, which files to edit, what lines to add, etc)

Thank you :)

mintar commented 2 years ago

First, clone aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world into your catkin workspace, build + source:

cd <your-catkin-ws>/src
git clone -b ros1 https://github.com/aws-robotics/aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world.git aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world
cd ..
catkin b
source devel/setup.bash

Now you can run the demos from the README like this:

Gazebo demo (existing map)

roslaunch mir_empty_world.launch world_name:=$(rospack find aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world)/worlds/no_roof_small_warehouse.world
rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics   # or click the "start" button in the Gazebo GUI
roslaunch mir_navigation amcl.launch
roslaunch mir_navigation start_planner.launch \
    map_file:=$(rospack find aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world)/maps/005/map.yaml \
rviz -d $(rospack find mir_navigation)/rviz/navigation.rviz

Gazebo demo (mapping)

roslaunch mir_empty_world.launch world_name:=$(rospack find aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world)/worlds/no_roof_small_warehouse.world
rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics   # or click the "start" button in the Gazebo GUI
roslaunch mir_navigation hector_mapping.launch
roslaunch mir_navigation move_base.xml with_virtual_walls:=false
rviz -d $(rospack find mir_navigation)/rviz/navigation.rviz
rllyryan commented 2 years ago

@mintar thank you so much for your assistance! Have a great week ahead!