DFO-Ocean-Navigator / netcdf-timestamp-mapper

Maps timestamps (and variables) to a corresponding nc file using sqlite3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Dwayne's wish list #16

Open dwayne-hart opened 4 years ago

dwayne-hart commented 4 years ago

(index-tool) datadm@u1804-indexing:~/netcdf-timestamp-mapper/build$ ls /data/eccc_forecasts_netcdf/riops_forecast/2D/LL/ | grep -P "^2019[10-12].*(00|06|12|18).*_00[0-5]_2D_latlon0.1x0.1.nc$" | awk '{print "/data/eccc_forecasts_netcdf/riops_forecast/2D/LL/"$1}' > riops_fc-2d-ll.txt

htmlboss commented 4 years ago

Perl regex engine isn't supported by the c++ standard library, but everything supported has been made available with `egrep being the default. Just check --help.