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Wekan installation fails on ARM64 device #19

Closed souljedi closed 7 years ago

souljedi commented 7 years ago

First of all thanks for the effort into putting this all together!

I tried to install Wekan on an Odroid C2 with Armbian Xenial server with this Kernel: Linux 3.14.74-odroidc2 aarch64.

During the installation the following error occurs:


 into 'meteor'...
remote: Counting objects: 2610, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2249/2249), done.
remote: Total 2610 (delta 238), reused 1457 (delta 135), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (2610/2610), 14.26 MiB | 2.98 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (238/238), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
It's the first time you've run Meteor from a git checkout.
I will download a kit containing all of Meteor's dependencies.

You are trying to run Meteor on yet not official supported platform: Linux_aarch64
There is currently no pre-built dev_bundle available for your system.
Check https://github.com/4commerce-technologies-AG/meteor to get
the information how you may generate your own dev_bundle using

Unable to download: https://dl.bintray.com/4commerce-technologies-ag/meteor-universal/env_dev_bundles/dev_bundle_Linux_aarch64_0.5.16.tar.gz
Pre-built tarball is not available!

Failed to install dependency kit.
mv: 'bundle' and './bundle' are the same file
init.sh: 41: cd: can't cd to /home/wekan/programs/server/npm/npm-bcrypt
init.sh: 42: cd: can't cd to /home/wekan/programs/server/npm/cfs_gridfs/node_modules/mongodb
init.sh: 57: cd: can't cd to /home/wekan/programs/server
init.sh: 60: apps/Wekan.sh: /usr/share/meteor/dev_bundle/bin/npm: not found

Any ideas or suggestions?

j8r commented 7 years ago

It's about 4commerce's meteor fork, there isn't a aarch64 build for meteor < 1.4. You can try to compile this fork / find a build for arm64. Else we will need to wait the meteor 1.4 support in Wekan :/. I can't do much on this.