DFillmore / viola

Viola is a Z-Machine Interpreter written in Python.
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Quetzal save files are wrong #42

Closed DFillmore closed 10 years ago

DFillmore commented 10 years ago

When trying to restore the file, Frotz crashes with a 'Umem chunk wrong size' error.

DFillmore commented 10 years ago

Viola now uses a Cmem instead of a Umem chunk. This restores fine in Window Frotz. This is, however, slightly worrying. Still don't know why Umem isn't working, since it's a lot simpler than Cmem. Possible that Cmem is broken as well, but Frotz can still make it into something workable but wrong? Possible Frotz just can't restore Umem properly?

DFillmore commented 10 years ago

Closing for now, since it seems to work.

DFillmore commented 10 years ago

It's not a problem with Windows Frotz, Jzip also doesn't like the Umem size. Not sure what they're expecting vs what I'm doing.

DFillmore commented 10 years ago

Okay, stupid error. I was saving the entire of game memory, dynamic, static and high. Only supposed to save dynamic memory. Fixed now.