DFillmore / viola

Viola is a Z-Machine Interpreter written in Python.
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INFOCOM_PATH Variable Does Not Work on Windows #76

Open jeffnyman opened 4 years ago

jeffnyman commented 4 years ago

Try something like this:

SET INFOCOM_PATH=C:\Users\Jeff\Downloads\zcode

Then call Viola with a story file that is in that path:

python viola.py zork1-r88-s840726.z3

This won't work. If you look at the paths variable that is getting established, it will be this:

['.', '"C', '\\Users\\Jeff\\Downloads\\zcode"']

I should also note that it Python's use of expandvars doesn't seem to work at all in PowerShell, if someone happens to be using that. Running that same command line in PowerShell shows the paths being:

['.', '$INFOCOM_PATH']

A small issue to be sure, but definitely a difference between how Viola works on Mac/Linux and Windows.