DFortun81 / AllTheThings

ALL THE THINGS - Addon for Tracking Collections & Account Completion in World of Warcraft
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Popup on login comes twice #1641

Open NewVenari opened 1 month ago

NewVenari commented 1 month ago

The popup (diplays stuff you don't have yet) that occurs when you log in to a character has been popping up twice, every time, ever since the last big WoW patch from a few weeks ago. I'll click the X on the popup, and then it pops up again, displaying the same information it had last time.

Prior to that last big patch, the popup would only come the once. Still occurs after I updated the addon today.

DFortun81 commented 1 month ago

Which popup? A screenshot is needed.

Also which version of the game are you playing? Cataclysm Classic, Dragonflight, or SoD/Era?

NewVenari commented 1 month ago

Dragonflight retail. image

Goldenshacal commented 1 month ago

... the mini list? If you dont want it, you can disable it in the settings under minilist.

NewVenari commented 1 month ago

... the mini list? If you dont want it, you can disable it in the settings under minilist.

It's not that I don't want it. It's that I don't want it TWICE, which is why I mentioned it keeps coming up twice.

ImUnicke commented 1 week ago

@NewVenari Is this still an issue? ATT only makes one attempt to open on-login windows as expected by the user's settings here: image

If you have it opening, and then are immediately closing it, but it re-opens itself... that's unexpected. Is this still happening?

NewVenari commented 1 week ago

No, it has not been an issue for a short time now. I'm not sure exactly when it stopped, but now it only pops up the once.

Thank you