DFortun81 / AllTheThings

ALL THE THINGS - Addon for Tracking Collections & Account Completion in World of Warcraft
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The ATT Mini List Is Buggy #1660

Open capSAR273 opened 2 weeks ago

capSAR273 commented 2 weeks ago

Game Flavor: Cataclysm

Describe the bug The mini list doesn't switch regions when you change zones, and will not open when you click the "Open Mini list for X" on the world map, it does however update the mini list to the current zone once you run /attmini and re-open it

Steps to Reproduce Use /attmini or click the ATT Mini button on the world map and change zones, or try to open the mini list with the button and it will not appear

ATT Version 3.12.7

DFortun81 commented 2 weeks ago

Seems to be working fine on my end.

MWAAAHAAA commented 2 weeks ago

Having the same issue (ATT Mini not refreshing to current zone) here, except closing and reopening (using /attmini) does not refresh the zone. This used to work fine until very recently. Currenty using DF-3.12.7.

MWAAAHAAA commented 2 weeks ago

Just did some rollbacks. DF-3.12.5 is the last version that was working fine.

buly commented 2 weeks ago

confirmed - mini list didnt auto-update when switching zones in DF-3.12.7

Harrison114455 commented 1 week ago

Confirmed - mini list not auto updating to zone for me either. DF-3.12.7

Edit: It started working randomly.

ImUnicke commented 1 week ago

I tested out Cata on latest Git and minilist was switching fine... not sure if there's some specific situation at play. If anyone notices the minilist not changing, please note the actual Zones that you changed from/to as well to help narrow down the cause.