YaCo is an Hex-Rays IDA plugin. When enabled, multiple users can work simultaneously on the same binary. Any modification done by any user is synchronized through git version control.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem on merge when there is a conflict on comments #10

Closed dlul closed 7 years ago

dlul commented 7 years ago

YaCo correctly detects a conflict when 2 users modify a comment on the same line without saving the IDB, but the saved data when resolving the conflict is random.

Example : user1 sets comment "toto" at line 1 and user2 sets "titi" at the same line. user1 saves the IDB first. All is OK. user2 saves the IDB and gets a popup telling him there is a conflict, with "toto" and "titi" at line 1. He gets a text input area to enter the comment to be saved. User 2 sets "toto".

Expected : comment at line 1 is "toto".

Result : comment at line 1 is "random" (mix of "?" and alphanum characters).

The result is the same if user2 sets "titi" or "tutu" or whatever input he sets to resolve the conflict. The same bug exists with repeatable comments.

Tested with IDA Linux 6.95.

goulou commented 7 years ago

Split the bug with 2 distinct reports (see #11 )