YaCo is an Hex-Rays IDA plugin. When enabled, multiple users can work simultaneously on the same binary. Any modification done by any user is synchronized through git version control.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: possibility to copy/merge values from comment #40

Closed saidelike closed 6 years ago

saidelike commented 6 years ago


First, very good work about this plugin!

When a conflict is detected (below is an example for an anterior comment (INSERT hotkey)), a pop-up asks the user what value (local or remote) he wants to choose.

So if user 2 saved first his IDB hence pushed first this comment.


User 1 would get the following when saving his IDB:


It would be nice if we could copy the value from remote or if we could have buttons to replace local value with remote value (so we can actually copy it).

Also it may be useful if we could merge both comments. One way of doing it is to just allow copying both values so the user can merge them. Another approach would be to have a merge button that would append both comments.

bamiaux commented 6 years ago

I agree both values must be selectable and/or mergeable. The simplest solution ui-wise would be to do something like this

<<<<<<< HEAD
simple comment from user 1
simple comment from user 2
>>>>>>> REMOTE

However, if we do this, users not knowledgeable with GIT may not understand the markers