DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 6 forks source link

Murder hole traps do not drop their launchers when disarmed #12

Open aeoo opened 7 years ago

aeoo commented 7 years ago

I notice that for the player to setup a correctly functioning murder hole, they need to arm a bow on top of a stack of arrows, and upon disarming such a trap both the bow and the arrows result.

However, when I find murder holes in the wild, they don't drop any bows (or crossbows), and they only drop one arrow (or bolt) when disarmed. If I as a player arm a single arrow into a trap I get a nonfunctional murder hole that doesn't do any damage to anything. But the game is getting away with having powerful and at times highly damaging murder holes by just arming a single arrow into them.

Not only that, but the murder holes I setup by arming a bow on top of a stack of arrows eventually run out of arrows, whereas the single arrow ones in the game seem to have endless function (such as, to be fair, the springloaded single weapon traps which also for both the player side and the game side have endless function).

I don't know what the intent is, but whatever it is, it would be nice if there was some consistency. If the game can arm a single arrow into a perfectly functional murder hole, fine, but let the player do the same. If murder holes must contain both launchers and missiles, fine, but let those drop when the murder holes are disarmed.

If the discrepancy I am talking about is considered desirable by design, it would be nice if the players were warned about it in the help files or hint notes, to reduce an element of surprise. Even a tiny sentence like "The traps found in the game and those set by the player do not always function in identical ways" would help.

aeoo commented 7 years ago

Another thing I have noticed is that the dart traps do not drop their coatings. A dart trap that slows me down when it hits drops only a plain dart when disarmed, whereas maybe it should drop a slowness-coated dart which would result in the same kind of trap were I to rearm it.