DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Many, possibly all shape changing spells have the same issue as "Change into Cat" #29

Closed aeoo closed 5 years ago

aeoo commented 7 years ago

This is related to #22 and #11, but I wanted to make a separate issue for two reasons.

  1. This affects more than just "Change into Cat." I'm seeing these problems with "Change into Serpent" and "Change into Wolf" spells in the book "of Dark Sorcery." I've seen these same problems with the same spells in other books, and I believe "Change into Goat" had the same issue too.

  2. The problem of updating the state only on the second game turn is much more pronounced when the character is high speed. I'm now testing with speed +31, and this makes a huge difference. Now I have to wait not just one turn, but many (9 to be exact) game turns for the mana total to drop (which is still not explained anywhere and isn't implied by anything in the spell description, self-knowledge info, or the shape-induced stat changes). This is no longer something that I think can be classified as a "minor issue" as with #11. I think when Unangband updates the game state 100 game ticks too late, it is a serious, gameplay-affecting issue, which is very noticeable at higher speeds (with more agility and rings of speed).