DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 6 forks source link

Magic Bags Entering Inventory #33

Closed StultusTemporis closed 7 years ago

StultusTemporis commented 7 years ago

First, congratulations on taking over development of Unangband. It's a game that encourages creative play. I look forward to seeing the new developments you add to it.

The problem I'm experiencing is that, when a magic bag enters my inventory from my home, the items that should go into the magic bag are lost. If I pickup a partially filled magic bag while I'm holding an item that goes into the bag, the game crashes. If I pickup items while I'm carrying a magic bag, they go into the bag normally.

I am experiencing this with the magic bag of scrying and a magic bag of supplies, however it may also be true of other magic bags.

If you require any files to demonstrate this problem, please do not hesitate to ask.

DGoldDragon28 commented 7 years ago

Odd. I see the crash you refer to. I will try to track it down soon.

DGoldDragon28 commented 7 years ago

I've tracked down the crash. It has to do with a dangling pointer to a local object that went out of scope in void object_absorb(object_type*,const object_type*,bool).