DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Player created gas traps are not displaying #39

Open StultusTemporis opened 7 years ago

StultusTemporis commented 7 years ago

When using a mushroom to create a gas trap, the trap does not display. Searching the area does not display the trap. Stumbling on the area does not trigger the trap. I have observed this with traps created from mushrooms of blindness and paranoia.

Of potentially similar note, scroll and potion traps created in the grass in town change the grass to open floor, but do not display either. However, these traps do trigger when stumbled on. I have observed this with traps created from scrolls of darkness and potions of sleep.

If you have any questions, or require any files to demonstrate these matters, please do not hesitate to ask.

DGoldDragon28 commented 7 years ago

I see the scroll and potion trap issue. I am unable to currently reproduce the mushroom trap issue in the form you stated: rather, when a mushroom trap is set in my tests, it is immediately set off.

Check whether you simply are being unaffected by the effects of the immediately set off one-use trap: it's far better if the bug is the same every time than if I have to look for several different symptoms...

Regardless, I will look into it further.

StultusTemporis commented 7 years ago

I think you're right. I tried (l)ooking immediately after setting the trap, and I could see that there was a gas trap immediately underneath me. When I moved away, it was no longer there, probably set off by my movement.

StultusTemporis commented 7 years ago

You are definitely correct. I just tried creating a mushroom-based gas trap when another creature would activate it, and the trap went off correctly.

StultusTemporis commented 7 years ago

One moment: When another creature activates a mushroom-based gas trap, the trap goes off, affecting all creatures in the radius of the trap, including the player. When the player leaves the mushroom-based gas trap without something else setting it off, nothing is affected by the trap. It appears that the trap is vanishing without going off, rather than being immediately set off and not having an effect on the player.