DGoldDragon28 / Unangband

A roguelike originally created (and developed until version 0.6.4c) by Andrew Doull.
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 6 forks source link

New display option: Display emergent narrative #49

Closed dennis-roof closed 6 years ago

dennis-roof commented 6 years ago

Unangband has stories to tell with its emergent gameplay and dynamic descriptions. I think this is Unangband's most unique and distinctive feature, but it requires players to actively examine everything. This feature tries to create an active emergent narrative using visible monsters, objects, noticeable features and various room texts, visible also when traversing and revisiting dungeon rooms. With this feature active, Unangband's dynamic narrative is always visible, immediately noticeable and helpful to anyone playing Unangband, creating a more immersive experience especially in dungeons.

I playtested mostly in starting towns and dungeons. I also play seriously with this feature on, because I love to read everything, not having to memorize ASCII symbols and the faster pacing with it. Please let me know if I can improve the code or feature in any way.

DGoldDragon28 commented 6 years ago

I will accept this, but not as the default option.